Actualizaciones de plataforma

Mantente informado con nuestras últimas actualizaciones de productos y descubre cómo se aplican al mundo de los seguros de propiedad y accidentes (P&C). Descubra cómo nuestras innovaciones están transformando la industria, ayudándole a superar los desafíos y aprovechar nuevas oportunidades en un panorama de seguros generales en constante evolución.

Seamless Email Integration: Connectors now Supports Outlook

Inaza's Connectors now support full and complete integration with all Outlook email accounts allowing Inaza to seamlessly integrate with your centralized inboxes

Vehicle Image Analysis Agent: 4 Side Image Validation

Inaza's underwriting Vehicle Image Analysis Agent has now been updated to include validation that ensures all 4 sides for a vehicle have been photographed.

Data Flow Designer

Streamline insurance workflows with Inaza's Data Flow Designer. Automate data streaming and build tailored AI solutions effortlessly.

Vehicle Damage Assessment Now Supports Hail Damage

Inaza's AI-powered Vehicle Damage Assessment model has been enhanced to now detect hail damage and is the perfect tool for auto insurance.

Advanced BI Assessment API

Inaza's Advanced BI (Bodily Injury) Assessment API analyzes unstructured data to identify high-risk claims, enhancing risk management.

Inaza AI Voice Agent

Inaza's AI Voice Agent is transforming claims, underwriting and customer service. Enhance customer satisfaction and streamline processes now

Fraudulent Email Detection API

Inaza's new and improved Fraudulent Email Detection technology is the perfect fraud detection model for underwriting and claims.

Signature Recognition Now Supports Custom Documents

Optimize insurance workflows with Inaza's Signature Recognition AI. Tailored for custom documents, ensuring precise validation & automation.